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Welsh Kennel Club 2009 Critique

Thank you to the WKC for inviting me to judge, to all the exhibitors who entered their hounds and the stewards who supported me in the ring. It was a pleasure to go over all the Deerhounds, it was a really lovely day. It was an absolute delight to see Ch Gentom Peacemaker go BIG and then to go on to win RBIS. My congratulations to owners Tom & Jean Rhodes and DJ who showed so professionally on both days.

MPD (2) 1 Cheshire’s Kilbourne Hennessy Junior of Deeranwith (6 mnths) Dark grey well proportioned puppy. Typical head, expression and correct ear placement. Good angles to front and rear assembly, with a deep brisket, spring of rib and width across quarters. Moved very well for a youngster and was sympathetically handled. (BP) 2 Draper’s Stag Ranger at Meneghy 9 mnths Med grey tall puppy. Typical head and expression. Good reach of neck. Front and rear assembly balanced with good width across quarters and correct tail set. Moved well.

PD (1) 1 Llewellyn’s Matahari Menjangen (10 mnths) Tall, rangy light grey dog with typical head and expression. Good reach of neck. Front and rear assembly balanced with correct width across hindquarters. Moved with some good strides.

JD (1) 1 Adams’ Ardneish Lohengrin (15mths). Med Grey typical head and expression with a dark eye, correct ear carriage and reach of neck. Correct shoulder placement and well balanced rear assembly. Good depth of brisket. Strong hind quarters and correct tail set. Good length from hip to hock. Handled sympathetically and moved very well.

PGD (7,1a) 1 Grimsaw’s Jamalison Winter Blizzard (1yr 9mths) Med grey with typical head and expression. Balanced front and rear assembly with good depth of brisket. Strong hind quarters. Handled well producing some good movement. 2 Mcloughlin’s Graizelund Rock And Roll Of Glenhaigh (2yrs) Light grey tall dog with a typical head and expression and correct ear set. Front assembly balanced with good width across quarters and correct tail set. Feel this dog has plenty of room to grow and mature. Moved well. 3 Francis & Blatchford’s Cloweswood Acer Of Peopleton

LD (8,2a) 1 Peaches’ Kilbourne Fire Chief (2yrs) Light grey well balanced dog with a lovely head and expression. Long reach of neck and correct front and rear assembly. Deep brisket, good length of body with strong hindquarters and correct tail set. This dog looked good on the stack and did not disappoint when moved. A good easy active action. Expertly handled. 2 Merrick’s Clanardwood Sovereign (4yrs) Med Grey dog with a lovely head and expression. Good reach of neck, deep brisket and balanced front and rear assembly. Good length from hip to hock. Strong hindquarters with correct tail set. Moved with strong easy strides. 3 Buck’s Tomegem Fizban the Fabulous

OD (6,2a) 1 Rhodes & Morton’s Ch.Gentom Peacemaker (2yrs 11mths) Medium grey dog. Stood as a true long dog with typical head and expression. Good reach of neck with correct front and rear assembly and well muscled hind quarters. Good depth of brisket. Correct length from hip to hock. Fit for purpose, a fine example of the breed. Excellent movement as it should be - easy, active and true, a delight to see. Beautifully shown and presented. CC BOB BIG RBIS 2 Helps’ Greyfriars Gille Of Beardswood (3yrs) A lovely dark grey long dog with good head and expression. Good reach of neck, correct shoulder placement and depth of brisket. Well balanced rear assembly with strong hindquarters. This dog looked and felt fit to the job he is bred to do. Movement was excellent and, as always, handled and presented beautifully. RCC 3 Peach's Readwald Thor to Kilbourne

MPB (2,2a)1 Nicholls & Collins’ Birkhall Hot Scotch (7mths) Dark Grey bitch with good head and expression. Correct shoulder placement and very good depth of brisket. Good length of body with balanced rear assembly. Feet were well knuckled. Movement was promising.

PB (3) 1 Llewllyn’s Matahari Mermaid (10 mths) Light Grey feminine bitch with good length of body. Typical head and expression and good reach of neck. Front and rear assembly balanced. Good length from hip to hock and correct tail set. Kept a good topline on the move. Another puppy with room to grow and should mature well. 2 Nicholls & Collins’ Birkhall Hot Scotch (7mths) 3 Draper’s Bradleyabbi Shamo at Meneghy

JB(5) 1 Owen & Brodie’s Wolfscastle Efa (16mths) Medium grey feminine bitch. Typical head & expression with correct ear set. Good length of body. Well balanced front and rear assembly with strong quarters and correct tail set. Feet were correct. Felt and looked fit for purpose and moved with good active strides. Presented and moved with expertise. 2 Platt’s Charbonnel Fliss (13mths) Dark grey bitch. Typical head and expression and good reach of neck. A long, well balanced outline. Front and rear assembly were correct. This very feminine girl has plenty of room to grow. Moved with some very good strides. 3 Draper’s Killoeter Orra at Meneghy

PGB (15,4a) 1 Helps’ Beardswood Octavia (2yrs) Medium Grey very feminine bitch with a lovely long outline. Typical head and expression with correct ear set. Good reach of neck. Shoulder placement correct and good depth of brisket and spring of rib. Good feet. Strong broad quarters and correct tail set. Felt and looked fit to do the job she was bred to do. Moved with drive. Very well presented. RCC 2 Bailey’s Kilbourne Jenifer Jupiter To Greyflax (2yrs) Medium grey feminine bitch with an excellent long outline on the stack. Typical head and expression and correct ear set. Excellent reach of neck. Good feet. Well balanced front and rear assembly with good strong quarters. Moved very well and handled beautifully. 3 Peaches’ Kilbourne Teine

LB (9,5a) 1 Peaches’ Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne 4yrs Dark Grey very feminine bitch. Stood as a true long dog with lovely flowing lines. Typical head and expression long reach of neck and correct shoulder placement. Good depth of brisket. Hind quarter assembly balanced and well muscled and good length from hip to hock. Moved with balanced strides. 2 Adams’ Hydfron Ula For Zandahar Shcm 6 yrs Dark Grey brindle bitch. Stood well on the stack. Feminine head and expression with correct ear carriage. Long reach of neck and correctly balanced front and rear assembly. Good depth of brisket and spring of rib. Correct feet. Good balanced movement very close to 1. 3 Grimsaw’s Jamalison Melody

OB (6,2) 1 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Waterloo Sunset Bitch 5yrs Light Grey bitch. Stood beautifully with a long outline and curves from front to rear. Typical head and expression and correct ear set. Good reach of neck and correct angles to front and rear assembly. Good feet. Correct tail set. A lovely bitch who moved with purpose and drive, easy active and true. Beautifully handled. CC 2 Peaches’ Ch Witch Way to Kilbourne 2yrs Medium grey bitch. Stood very well on the stack, covering a lot of ground, with a balanced outline. Lovely, typical head and expression, correct ear set. Good reach of neck. Shoulder placement correct with good depth of brisket, good length from hip to hock. Strong quarters and correct tail set. Moved with good, balanced and flowing strides. 3 Parsons & McKinnon’s CH.Claonaiglen Orrin.

Kathy Codd


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